Thursday, September 20, 2012

small talk...superb service, excellent food

[photos courtesy of google finds various artists]

 September 19, 2012

that Bicol Express pasta I just kept going back to again
and again
It’s so marvelous when people of the restaurants that you love going back to time and again really pay attention to you. Last night, we had a meeting with Mr. Eric Galura, art director of Bicolandia magazine, in Small Talk and had light pasta dinner over our coffee-table book-talk. We were brainstorming for we intend to have it published by October. Prior to that, as I ordered, the owner Ms.Didette had a chat with me and babyClyde, then I ordered my favorite Beef Stroganoff. Clyde has his Tuna Marinara as usual, then Sir Eric a vegetarian pasta…I think Pasta Mayon, ravioli with a Bicolano twist, as expected [he's a practicing Bhuddist].

sir Eric's preference..the vegetarian Pasta Mayon
We started to talk when the fair waitress who had been serving there for years brought me honey to go with my cold calamansi. Soon as I saw it, I stopped mid-speech and profusely thanked her because I was extremely happy for her very nice gesture. She genuinely knew my tastes and preferences. I have yet to ask Ms. Didette her name....forgive me!! But I'll publish it here.

Definitely it’s not only me that she’s taking detailed notes of when it comes to personalizing the service; but I am truly appreciative for I felt like queen that moment. Amazing that Ms. Didette has a treasure of staff that would make patrons like me all the more loyal; not just because of the delicious food but because of the superb service.

just so you'd know where they are..wonderful people,
wonderful food
Now hear ye all service establishments. Let us learn from businesses like them. Remember the Delica moment I had? When all they would ask me is “Yung dati uli na order, Mam Cope?” How touching it is that they really know and actually took note of your preferences. These are indispensable ways of keeping a customer devoted.

the facade and the charming countryish lobby
In our spa, Greenthumb, our clientele would try all the other spas that sprouted around the cities. They honestly tell me so. But I don’t mind at all. Why? The fact that they all tell me “We still go back here again and again, Ms Renz. Nothing beats your dedicated caring nurturing staff” is enough to make me float in joy. No one like them at all indeed!!! My gems, these people in the service industry are.

So never neglect the wonderful customer service superstars amongst your staff. They may have their bio-rhythms, but never let them wallow in down-times so long. As a business owner, it’s a must that we train and monitor them in keeping the clients taken cared of at all times.

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