Friday, August 24, 2012

dialogue with God

Dialogue with God…

Man asked, “God please give that much amount of money. You have it infinitum; can you award me that?” God said, “What do you love doing that would let the money provide not only you but the greater many?” Man replied, “Well, I’d create enterprises that would provide jobs to people of my community; I’d build a scheme where out of the businesses we would all be winners; losers none. That if I build more wealth out of hard work, they too shall do it. So that the wealth you first provided will be in multitudes and therefore shall extend beyond the people in my community. When that happens, the money you gave me not only benefits me but humanity in my country and the world.”

God was pleased, “What is it that you do best to do all these grand plan of yours?” Man answered, “Product and service formulation, marketing and promotions and client development. Expansion, dynamic partnerships and reinvestments. To  extend to the world, exportation and importation.”

“But God I know that all these dreams of mine may be small compared to what You plan for me. All I ask is may Your will be done. If my plans are aligned with yours, please make me see it clearly. If not, just be with me. I know You never leave my side.

God said, “I will bless you. Just carry on with your dreams. You have my graces. Manage your resources well. We’re in business.” And man was infinitum. 

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