Wednesday, August 22, 2012

peace amidst chaos

I was getting sick of the daily toxins coming inside my mental faculties. Violent news of insurgencies in Mindanao, the Corona impeachment case, political upheavals, domestic crimes, instability, corruption of Aleco / NPC, and all the negativities that abound. I know though that behind all the ugliness there’s beauty. It’s just how one seeks for it.

TZU CHI volunteerism truly fulfills my calling.....
God has a way of letting us see that splendor despite the repulsiveness; putting us in the right track as we stray. One day I was mindlessly browsing in my old library cabinet. There I found the Tzu Chi newsletter filled with the loving deeds of humankind towards others, nature and the whole world. It’s such a fulfilling read. It rekindles the good bones in me. It stirs up my benevolent soul, prompting me to share despite my ‘shortness’.

Sharing amidst my perceived lack is something I love doing. I believe that abundance is there after all. Whatever happens God will provide for me. I experience lack only for a short time. I know it’s of my own doing. But with his mercy I’ll be uplifted. So today I began packing gift items again to my staff and distribute the goods of my generous heart. 

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