Wednesday, August 22, 2012

utterly spiritual intervention

Tomorrow August 5, 2012 will be my fortieth centenary. Something happened today that for sure has God’s intervention. Sir Benjie Santiago, a fellow tourism council member, invited me weeks ago to a brotherhood of Christian businessmen & professionals [BCBP]. They have this Christian Life programs [CLP] that enriches a businessman’s spiritual aspects.

As a human being, we have to consider that we are multi-faceted. We have a blending of aspects: mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and social that need to be balanced in order for us to be called a complete being. For businesspeople, they have a tendency to be outstanding in trading and enterprises. Depending on the stage of life one is in, the center of living may be focused on making money. The other facets such as spirituality and even the family tend to be neglected. Then depending on what a businessman goes through, he suddenly remembers God.

I am in such a case. Days before my birthday, I underwent a whole host of life challenges that tests my endurance. It tempts me to give up. It lures me to question my faith. It coaxes me to abandon my present business and pursue another. But all these said, I never had an inkling. Sure it had drained me emotionally and physically, sometimes mentally. But spiritually it strengthened my faith in God. I never ever questioned Him why He’s letting me undergo such and such. I believe in my whole being that I’ve been doing a greater goodness; I’m sure He has a larger purpose for it all.

Karma is something I also believe in. My uncorrected errors surely come and go around me. Unless I change the bad to good, then I will be in continued bliss. It sure is best if we do the transformations. But we’re humans. We are bound to fail sometimes. What’s important is as we fail, we pick up the lessons. Improve and don’t allow the same mistake twice. It is all because we are destined to make newer mistakes in the morrow. We can never be perfect beings. We’re created that way.

Guess what? Even our errors have purposes. For us not to accumulate boo-boos, we must quickly correct what we just went through and move on….conquer another mountain. Robert Kiyosaki said “Fail harder! You can never be successful without committing mistakes.” Very very true for us.

Let’s talk about perseverance. This is one quality of a successful person’s credo. I just notice that when I am not that determined, triumph always slips away too fast. Then I have a host of troubles that follow. But when I really stick with my determination, a whole host of blessings come pouring in.

Allow me to share a blunder I just made this morning. It’s a huge mistake but I was determined to go on so I persevered. At 7am I left home to go to Jollibee’s 2nd floor where I’m meeting BCBP. From Tabaco I drove speedily to Albay because I don’t want to be late. It’s a 45-minute drive but I arrived a few minutes early. To my horror, I arrived at a blank place. No BCBP around. Then I took out my invitation. It said “Jollibee 2nd Floor-----TABACO City.” To think that this invite had been in my bag for 3 weeks now!

If I was a weakling, I would say never mind. I won’t go anymore. Such a waste of gas and effort. But definitely God intervened because I drove fast back to Tabaco [making it in 35 minutes this time] all because I never really wanted to miss this gathering. Sure I’m endangering myself with speedy driving but I am quick to calculate potential mishaps so I consistently slow down when I am road-entrapped then I speed back up when I’m road-free; what we call calculated risk-taking, I guess.

I was careful not to bump on anything even if my driving seems reckless. I’m cautious of accidents; I had it once years back and I abhor meeting another. All the time I asked God to please just take care of me. I need to get there fast.

Voila! I made it on the breakfast meeting! I was late for the eating part but for the spiritual sharing, I was perfectly on time. I heard the enriching words of Bro. Manny Imperial, former DTI Regional Director. What I was running for was definitely worth it. The session was my first time and to my standards, very meritorious. These are the people who underwent and undergo the same plight as mine. I am drawing strength from them because I feel I am not alone. Here it has a sense of brotherhood, of oneness, of belongingness. It gives you the courage to go on because it tells you that you are not the only one going business-bankrupt. I am empowered.

There at the sharing my spiritual hunger got well-fed. I was assured that God is indeed good. That he’s beside you whatever you’re going through. As long as you’re not stepping on someone else, you won’t get stepped on as well. Trials and challenges abound, but God aims to strengthen your faith. If you contradict Him, you won’t get around. But if you ask Him to make you understand and see His purpose for you, you’ll be blessed innumerably.

My food was served in the middle of the meeting. So I never really missed anything at all. I may have been late but because I persevered to attend this, I was in for a Jollibee treat.

My objective in pursuing BCBP is ultimately to have connections with fellow spiritually rich businesspeople. I aim to be balanced. It’s my mission to form people next to me and after me with Godliness in their works. Just like my sponsor Sir Benjie did to me. He is actually a blessing sent by God. I haven’t met other persons with a vision like him from BCBP.

What a worthwhile day before my fortieth birthday!!! I’m so blessed. I desire to be a blessing to others too.

What are the lessons here? In sin, we learn to be honest. In failures, we strive to succeed. In troubles, we struggle to survive. In challenges, we sweat to persevere. Whatever it takes, persevere. Even if you are mired, strive to be free and go after the trophy. All the while be mindful of others around you. Always never step on someone else’s feet.


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