Friday, August 24, 2012


May 24, 2012

Dear God,

the kind of peaceful setting I ever dreamed of having...
I am praying to give you thanks and praise you for all your glories. My heart overflows with gratitude. Thank you so much for the greatest big miracle you did for me. It is about the money that is from heaven. Thank you greatly and deeply.

Please continue making me your instrument of goodness. In a world of wrongs, strengthen me to do what’s right. Even if everything is evil, still make me do good. Everyday give me to all people who I can help and be a help to me as well. Bless me always and make be bless others too.
paradise that's Maldives...wait for us

God I am in a crisis and I need you to make a major decision in my life. Please give me a very clear sign where I should really put up my spa and stay there for good. Also please send me the people who can be my best partners in all our endeavors. Put away people who can do harm to us. If I have to take a detour to success, please guide me. I don’t want to be lost.

MALDIVES...ultimate dream

Illuminate my path, escort me in my journey. Keep me alive and not die in desperation. Let me have no fear of un-succeeding. Simply give me courage to go on and on and of course win every time.

When I get impatient, give me the perseverance to go on. When I’m confused, direct me. When I’m clueless, teach me. When I’m directionless, lead me. When I don’t know, please explain to me. Make everything clear to me and understand your will for me God, please. All I ask of you is please have DIVINE INTERVENTION for me.
how I desire to have my thoughts as clear as this

As I am troubled, you always save me. My life is always yours. Use me as a helper of spreading your goodness to the world. Make me your assistant. You are my boss in all my lifetime.

As specifics, today God I called and talked to Julius and the rental place beside Mendez. But both were unavailable. Mendez does not allow me because I will compete. Julius says just now his unit was sold. No more. I have nothing besides the mall.

that pristine surely opens up my mind to better things
I don’t know what to do God. Should I stay or transfer? Where? Please clearly tell me what to do. Lead me to the place and give me the right person. Give me the right person and place I will deal with and put my spa in. please do not let my understanding be hard. Make it easy for me to understand. I need your blessing God please bless me and grant my prayers.

For the past days, I met with Dr. Ric Isip, dealt with Beverly and Melody of the mall, and was able to solve my money problems on rent. On the sides there were Arlene of Tyche and Allan Cu of Avenue Park, Sherwin Marketing bldg, architect Nestor Santiago, Ronald Cenita of the sports world, and a recent project with Lyn O and Gigi of TCS. Tell me what to do God. I cannot process all information so please be with me as I decipher all these events. I need you because you are my God. Please don’t fail me. You always grant me prayers so please hear and answer me again.
to walk hand in hand in the Maldives resorts with Clyde...
great goal

The best I can ask God is please do not make my faith wane. When I get weak of hoping and waiting, please boost it all up. I know you will never abandon me but every time, I have doubts about myself. Maybe no doubt about you God but I have plenty of doubt about MY OWN: did I pray hard enough for you? Did I do good? What about my sins, will God punish me so my prayers will not be granted? Those are what make me doubt.

I’d end my prayers today God as THANK YOU for all things, because I know you give us th grandest dreams we all could have. Our dreams may be small against your will. So you give us the greater big ones. Just please make me understand what’s really mine. CLEARLY. Please bless me God.



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